HUD's goal when selling property is to obtain the highest NET dollar after all expenses are paid.
He who offers HUD the best NET dollar after expenses WINS.
All bids are sealed and thus you get only one shot at being the successful bidder and you have no idea who your competition is....or if there is a competitor at all! That's the nerve wracking killer when trying to buy a HUD home.
The goal of any HUD bidder, owner-occupier or investor alike, is to find that fine line between getting the property cheap, only spending what he or she is willing to buy, and making sure their bid is acceptable by HUD.
I thought it over long and hard and with feedback from Steve the Realtor, came to the conclusion that 99.9% of HUD investors can't help themselves when it comes to bidding on a property. They want to feel like they scored the deal of the century!. They want to WIN...BUT....they want to win while NOT paying the full list price! Given that, I figured HUD bidders almost NEVER bid the full price.
My ace in the hole was quite simply that I wanted the house for me. Not as an investment, but for me!. Thus I was willing to pay more for it. I wasn't going to risk losing the property by trying to come in on the cheap side.
I bid the full list price.