My Round House

My Round House
Believe it or not, it's round!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Drywall - OK Jens....Sheetrock!!

My buddy Jens as of late keeps asking me when I'm going to do sheetrock/drywall.  My fault; he asks, my natural response is:  Soon!   I keep saying I'm almost ready.  Well, I am but for us analytical thinkers, we have to over think things before acting.  Particularly in light of the fact that once the wall framing is closed up, I'm totally screwed if I forgot something.

But you need buddies like Jens to keep you from stalling.  ;-)  So Jens!  Sheetrock!  Finally!  Though.... perhaps it's not the path I semi-sorta said I had settled on when we last spoke of it.  I can change my mind, can't I?

Anyway, after much deliberation (har har har) and two drywallers that failed to call back after seeing the place and it's round nature which, if I were to hazard a guess, apparently translates in to a lot of custom know....WORK!   One guy was there all of four minutes, didn't measure anything and said he'd call me back with a quote.  Never heard another word.

I decided to undertake the installation of the sheetrock myself.

It's a big task but not nearly as difficult as I anticipated it to be, especially now that I decided on an alternative for the ceiling;  light weight tongue and groove slats with a light coat of white wash stain.  It means I don't have to deal with installing sheetrock up there which, at the rate I go, would have required I purchase a sheetrock lift rather than rent one.  It also means I can proceed with the interior walls first, then the curved exterior walls, and finally the ceiling last.

The benefit of doing the job myself is that I can insure a quality install and as I go along, fix things I might have overlooked or hadn't yet considered.  So, on Saturday I jumped right in and started with the third bedroom:
The first motivating the closet. 
Don't laugh!
The entry hall (other side) wall.
Doorway to hall
See that empty space above the doorway?  That was and is the logical place for the AC vent to have been installed but I neglected to remember that small fact when I did all my electrical work.  Installed my plywood electrical junction box mounting panel on the other side.  It wasn't until the AC guys came to install the system and route the vents that I realized my oversight, far too late to do anything about it.  Or maybe not.  I was looking up there the other day thinking I could move things over to each side by about 2" and make space in the middle to move the vent there.  Or I could just forget it and hang a framed picture up there......  As of today the vent is on the side wall above the closet.  Sigh.....  Always something.
The closet
I had to shim as the original framing
on the right was not exactly perfect.
The errant AC vent

It's interesting with one room closed in.  You can start to again sense the size of the rooms.  Just by covering the entry hall wall on the bedroom side, on the hallway side you could really feel it start to close in.  Glad I installed a skylight in the hallway ceiling and a glass entry door.

Fun times!!

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