My Round House

My Round House
Believe it or not, it's round!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Hallway framing

Now that all of the electrical rework has been completed, the AC/Furnace, ducts, hot water heater, and plumbing lines all installed and working, it's time to move on to framing in the two hallway ceilings on either side of the fireplace.

If you'll recall, the entry hall, laundry area and the two hallways on either side of the fireplace were only 6'3" high.  They were dark, uninviting and claustrophobic spaces.   
Reminds me of a cave
There's that ugly purple again
The dead air space above the halls served no useful purpose and could be better utilized if opened up giving a sense of greater space or in some way re-purposed.  The same held true for the air space above two bathrooms. 

So, with the exception of ceiling above the laundry area which became the AC systems deck, I opted to raise all of the other ceilings to their maximum height.  In the case of the bathrooms and the entry hall, that meant raising them all they way to the underside of the roof deck.  I installed two skylights as well, one in the guest bath, the other in the entry hall. 

The two side hallway ceilings, unfortunately, could not be raised that high as there still had to be room for the AC ducts.  Try as I might to raise them to the maximum available height, I finally had to concede that they were going to be limited to the standard 8' height for a couple of reasons;  it would have unnecessarily cramped the duct work and it would have completely cut off access to the cupola, the latter reason being the most significant. 

The bathroom side hallway
Insuring it's level
I'll place plywood decking on the top side of the ceiling joists over both hallways which will enable a means to skirt around the AC system and access the cupola and could also be used for storage of smaller items.

The bedroom side hallway is next and is a bit more complicated as the AC intake duct is located there.

More later.

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