My Round House

My Round House
Believe it or not, it's round!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Work Continues.....

Another week has gone by.  You might wonder why my posts have slowed up.  Well, they have a bit but the work continues.  Working full time leaves only about an hour a day during my 'lunch' hour to work in daylight so I've been doing outdoor work during that period.  It's a bit slow but like I said, the work continues.

Last weekend I finally got the last pile of leaves on to the burn pile and on Sunday morning lit it up.  Well, it was so dense it took all week for it to burn.  It finally burned itself out Saturday afternoon.  I'd go out with regularity and turn the pile so oxygen could get down side to promote burning.

An hour a day working around the outside.  Evenings were spent on odd jobs but mostly working on the carport!  Yawwwwnnnn......

I broke out my chain saw on Friday noon and cut down all the sucker trees that were growing at the base of the established 30year (ish) trees scattered about the new lot.   That was pretty much the only thing left to clean up.  I pulled all the trees off the lot in preparation for disposal....which consisted of dragging them to the other side of the two lots to the left of the house and creating a natural treed barracade or fence along the property line.

Friday evening was spent continuing the carport work.  I'm getting pretty bored with it but there's still a bit to do!  I took a break for a little while to run to the big box hardware store for supplies and a visit with coworkers.

Saturday turned out to be a cold and grey day.  Nothing robs my enthusiasm more than a cold and grey day.  I didn't feel like working around the house so opted to pay bills and run some errands.  It was painful but I finally paid the property taxes on the Dallas, Waco, and the Round Houses.  Ouch!  I also took my small truck in for it's 22k mile check up.  While waiting on that I walked over to look at storage sheds that were on display.  I'm getting close to needing one so I checked them out.  These particular ones were all metal siding.  They were nice but I think I'm going to go for the wood variety.  Seems they would be a bit more stout should a branch from the established trees fall on it.  I'm not so sure a metal one can stand up to something like that.

By the afternoon, it was still on the cool side but I managed to get my mojo back and got out and moved all the trees I referenced above over to perimeter...  Much of my energies over the last several weeks have been focused on clean up on the right side of the house.  Well, later in the afternoon after dispensing with the trees, I turned my attention over to the left side of the house.  I broke out the blower and started some needed clean up continuing until it got too dark to see anything.

Sunday I continued the cleanup.  I decided to go ahead and clear the underbrush to the left side of the sidewalk leading to the water channel.  Originally I was going to leave it bushy but then decided it really would be better cleaned up.  I spent all the day working on that and still have a bit to do.

Sunday evening I returned to working on the carport which is now about 85% done.  I will be soooo glad when it is 100% done because I'm really starting to get sick of it!  BUT, it will look great when it's finally done!

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