My Round House

My Round House
Believe it or not, it's round!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rainy Monday

It was cloudy and humid earlier today and couldn't decide if it should rain or barely sprinkled until about 1:00pm when, with several claps of thunder, it started to rain in earnest.

I'd been waiting for rain (apparently we're in a drought) so I got out my flashlight and started checking all the nooks and crannies for signs of roof leakage.  I had concerns given the waterstained sheetrock ceilings through the house.  I wanted to determine if those were old leaks and stains that had not been repaired or new ones that would indicate the need for a new roof.  I'm pleased to report that the roof is sound and apparently had been replaced at some point but the interior ceilings not repaired.  It's not leaking at all!  Phew!!  The much desired standing seam metal roof can wait several months more.

I did find out just how the porch (aka 1/3 carport) continues to show signs of flooding.  The corner gutter appears to be clogged so the water is draining right into the carport area.  Also, the house and carport is lower than the street so there's a fair amount of run off that needs to dealt with. 
The old AC duct work soaking it all in!

I'll have to install a french drain across the front the the carport and garage areas to redirect the water flow around both sides of the house.  It's a chore but nothing overwhelming.   I installed one across the front of the Waco house with good results!  It will also give me the opportunity to raise and level the parking area between the carport and the street .  I want the carport to be a drive through so the current access path from the street can be converted to off street guest parking. 

I spent the morning removing the AC/Heating ductwork up in the 'attic' space above the central hallway.  I want to reclaim the two hallway closets on either side of the fireplace.  Each contains the AC system and water heater.  The logical place to relocate them above the hall where there's plenty of room.  In fact, I can stand up between the chimney and the roof cupola.  With the ductwork out of the way, it's obvious there's room.
It just needs to be decked in.
The part of the cupola over the Great Room
There are a variety of attic AC systems available so I can easily replace the closet system with something that that makes sense for that space. Even though I'm confident I could do the AC install myself, I'll contract out it out.  I'll make some calls this week to get some vendors out for suggestions and quotes.  I'll do the water heater install myself.

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