My Round House

My Round House
Believe it or not, it's round!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Interim Projects

While the roofing dilemma had been somewhat of a distraction, I did continue working on other things while waiting for that to come to it's eventual conclusion.  Most notably has been the opening of the remaining closets, the installation of the hallway skylight, and the relocation of various electrical cables, plugs, and switches.

I cut back the framing on the bedroom closets to maximize access to them.  They were the old style 30" door types from decades past.  I plan to have custom cabinetry installed so eliminate the need for bureau/dresser furniture.

The new AC/Systems deck
Sometimes when it's not practical to expand sideways, it's better to expand upwards.  There was a tremendous amount of wasted unused space above the entry halls and bathrooms.  I removed the artificially low ceilings in most areas so the vaulted roof above was now the new ceiling.

I left the ceiling in the central hall directly above what will be the laundry area at the original 7'4" height as that seemed to be the perfect place to relocate the new AC system and hot water heater.  They would be up and out of the way thus freeing up two additional closets just behind and on either side of the fireplace wall.
Repurposed 'attic', now the AC/Systems deck
All of the existing electrical cables originating at the breaker box panel and crisscrossing that space to the other side of the house, and in some cases back again, had to be moved out of the way.
Speedway from the panel....
Across the AC/Systems deck....
To the other side.....somewhere.
The most practical of solutions was to install a series of junction boxes mounted on two newly installed panels on either side of the deck area above the lower entry hall.  That would allow for partial use of the existing 12-2 cable and the addition of new 12-2 cable sufficient in length to go up and around the upper perimeter of the deck area.
All nicely labeled for the next guy!
As of today, with the exception of one lone cable, the deck has been cleared pending installation of the deck final floor panel.
Additional cables will to be run for added and future features.  I'm working on those now.  ALL of the electrical has to be completed and firmly in place BEFORE the expanding spray foam insulation is installed in both the ceiling and the walls.  After that, it will be a messy proposition should I suddenly decide to add more wiring.

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