My Round House

My Round House
Believe it or not, it's round!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Windows Install: COMPLETE!

Another milestone passed! 
The windows are all in and all trimmed out in rough cedar.  This was the first "round" house the installers, Ron and Tom, had encountered so they had to get creative in a number of places to stick with the curves and character of the house but they did an excellent job.

Today's activity involved installing the second of two sliding glass doors on the back of the house as well as completing all of the trim across the window wall.  The original slider had been damaged in shipment and had to be reordered and arrived too late last week to be installed with the others so the guys had to return to complete the task.
 They also installed the last piece of trim around the entry door.
The next milestone.....
And now....It's on to final preparation for the closed cell expanding spray foam insulation under the roof and in the external wall cavities effectively sealing the outside world it should be.


  1. Those large, glass doors are looking great, even if they’re not yet fully finished. One thing about sliding glass doors is that they act like large glass windows, allowing you to have a sight of the beautiful view of the outdoors. Moreover, they allow natural light to come into the room, making it bright and pleasant to be in.

  2. Those are good-looking windows. Nice choice! Windows have a vital role in our house. Aside from improving the home’s façade, they also allow air to circulate and natural light to enter. Your windows definitely complement your glass doors and your home’s surroundings. I’m not finished reading all of the posts, and I’m excited to see the result! :)

    Leah Clay
