My Round House

My Round House
Believe it or not, it's round!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lay of the land

I've spent a lot of time talking about the lots on the left, the lot on the right, driveways, etc.,  Now that I have the referenced lots locked up, I thought I create a highlevel visual dipiction of the overall layout.
It's fairly accurate.  The shape of the future driveway is subject to change when the work eventually begins and is or will be influenced by various factors; trees, guidewires, etc.

A couple of things not yet dipicted would be the combination shed and additional carport (it keeps growing) that would be placed along side the future leftside driveway. 

There's also the prospect of a boat house or at least a 'cut in' where one could temporarily park a boat or jetski.  If and whenever that might occur, it would be placed in the far right corner near the right side property line.  I use the term 'if" as that particular project is low on my list of priorities.  There would have to be a good amount of prep work to make make it doable (ie; dredging, seawall, power, etc).  All of that will take time.  The best time to do it would be when the lake is really low and the channel dry but that would mean a significant drought which I don't necessary wish to experience again any time soon!

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