My Round House

My Round House
Believe it or not, it's round!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Start of the slow cleanup

When I first started demolition a year ago, I decided to keep a significant portion of the decent building lumber on the off chance I might needed various pieces during the rebuild.  The rest of the debris went to the dump!  I debated where to locate the pile and finally placed it the to left side of the house.  It's grown and diminished over the last year as I've reused a good part of useable lumber in other areas. 
As with any debris pile, over time it gets to be an eyesore.  Well...actually, it was an eyesore then and still is today but I've been able to ignore it.  It's been rained on many times and with the last fall, is now covered with wet moldy leaves and various other junk that's been added to it over time.

With the upcoming drainage control work, naturally I found the pile to be sitting right where needed ground sculpturing is to take place so the water can move away from the house.  Which, of course, means I have to move the pile.  What is that, Murphy's law!??

Anyway, given I'm pretty much done with areas within the house where the content of the pile might have been useful, yesterday, having already started a burn pile for the fallen branches I was cleaning up, I started pulling pieces from the pile and throwing them on the fire.
Piece by piece I'm whittling the debris pile away.  Some pieces I will keep for little while longer but overall it's going up in smoke! 

I'll sure be glad when it's 100% gone!

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